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A desktop documentary about the online afterlife of the late French filmmaker, Chris Marker.

Original YouTube statement (2020):

Chris Marker died in 2012, but his online presence still hunts the world wide web. Fake avatars make sure his memory will never be forgotten, and his museum in Second Life is still up and running. I sought out to make a film about something that does not exist anymore. Chris Marker is nothing but a hologram. His eternal obsession with "The Invention of Morel" is the proof to it. Join me on this endeavour! - I believe I made this film for 99 people. That's probably the number of people who will care about a niche film about the most niche aspect about the most niche filmmaker. If this video-film will have more than 101 view, I swear it's a miracle!

Updated director's statement (2025):

What a journey the film has had since its whimsical release in 2020 on YouTube. Not only was it seen online by tens of thousands of people (in various online uploads, as YouTube deleted my original channel), it was screened at the Sorbonne in Paris as part of a retrospective on Desktop Documentaries in 2021, during the COVID era, and was even archived online to Karagarga, which is a great honor. What a lovely journey this film has had since its online release, and who knows what the future holds.

Interview with the Sorbonne about the film

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